Does the Presbyterian Health Foundation accept unsolicited proposals?
No. PHF does not accept or review unsolicited proposals. We only invite those who meet our criteria.
Who is invited to apply?
The Presbyterian Health Foundation requests and reviews proposals from 501(c)(3) organizations in central Oklahoma that are doing exceptional research and health-related work. Funding is not available to individuals. If invited to apply, applications are submitted through an online portal.
How do I apply?
Biomedical research grants and scientific education grants are accepted only from or in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. To inquire about applying for a research grant, please contact the Vice President for Research office at each organization.
Mission Impact and Community grants are by invitation only. For further questions, please email grants@phfokc.com.
When are funding decisions made?
Funding decisions are made in June, September, and December for research and mission impact grants. Funding decisions are made on a rolling basis for community grants.
How are research grant applications reviewed and selected for funding?
PHF works collaboratively with the Vice President for Research at OMRF and OUHSC for biomedical research grants. Both institutions initiate an internal call for applications based on our aligned program goals. After an internal review process, OUHSC and OMRF submit their top requests to PHF for funding consideration. PHF’s Scientific Advisory and Grants Committees conduct a secondary review process and recommend proposals based on scientific merit.
How is oversight of grants performed?
Every grant over $25,000 is administered with a grant contract between the institution and PHF. We require grant recipients to provide a detailed progress report and financial expenditures report on an annual basis. Subsequent grant awards are conditional upon receipt and positive review of timely and complete progress reports.